Tag: Maths

Paper Airplane and Measurement

LI: To design and make a paper plane that will fly the furthest.

Our team challenge was to design an airplane to fly the furthest in the distance. We analysed our data of the paper air planes we flew. The planes we designed were tie fighter, deltry, the bird, and lastly the dart. Our group designed multiple planes to verify which of the planes flew the best. The plane that went the furthest was the dart. I personally think the dart flew the furthest because of the shape and the point. Lastly we versed group by group and measured the flight distance accurately. 

I found this task interesting because sometimes the dart wouldn’t go further than we thought, as the cause might be how we throw it. 

Something we could improve on with our plane is having more weight on the plane, because it was pretty light. 

Area, Perimeter & Circumference

LI: to understand the math language for the topic (area).

Area is a form of measurement that people use to figure out other things. Different shapes need different formulas in order to calculate the area. It is important to remember the formulas because it would make it a lot easier for you. Area is the amount of space a (2 dimentional/flat) shape can fill or cover. To figure out the formula of any quadrilateral shapes, you need to times the Length with the Width. In maths form it would look like this: (A = L x W). An area of something is always squared eg: 32cm².

The formula of a triangle is; A = bh ÷ 2. Make sure to remember that the height (bh) of a triangle is from the bottom to the tip of the triangle. The base (bh) of a triangle is from one point to another. You need to times the base with the height ( base x height). After calculating the bh you need to divide that number by 2 and that is the area.

The formula of a circle is; r² x 𝜋 or radius squared times pi. The radius is the length between the centre point of the circle to the outside. If you know that the diameter is for example 20 cm you divide that by 2 in order to get the radius. 20 ÷ 2 = 10. r = 10. You then find out what the “r²” is. If the radius was 10, you would need to times 10 by itself in to find what 10² is. 10 x 10 = 100 or 10² = 100. You then times 100 by 𝜋 or 10² x 𝜋. (100 x 3.14).


RFE Statistical Investigation

LI: to conduct a statistical investigation on reading for enjoyment.

In the past 2 weeks I have gathered data on how much time I spend on reading. This graph shows my progress on the minutes I read. The differences show a lot as I have read approximately 212 minutes for the first week, and 246 minutes on the 2nd week. Seeing the differences between the two, gives me a clear picture that  Reading everyday for RFE allows you to grow your word knowledge and strengthen understanding of words.

I enjoyed doing this activity and collecting data, as this has helped me to continue reading at home, and progress on my word knowledge.

Ratios to Percentages

LI: To solve word problems that involve moving between fractions, ratios, decimals and percentages.

For this task, we have been learning to solve equations where we convert ratios to decimals, fractions then percentages. We completed multiple tasks that help us understand the process of conversion starting from ratios. Our finishing challenge was to create a DLO that explains the process of converting these areas of maths and how to find the percentage of an amount using ratios.

To complete this process, first identify the ratio in the equation. Then, add both numbers of the ratio to find the denominator of the fraction. Next, mutliply or simplify the numbers of the fraction until you get the denominator to a common multiple of 100 or 10. Then, the numerator divided by 10 or 100 becomes the decimal. Multiply the decimal by 100 to get the percentage. An example is shown on the slide so that it is clearer for the audiece to understand and be able to solve similar equations in the future.

Decimal Game

During the past few weeks different maths groups have been learning to subtract, add, and multiply decimals efficiently. To test your knowledge and our skills in decimals, we played a game of mixed decimals. This game included 5 questions of adding and 5 questions of subtracting decimals. When I took this game, I got 10 out of 10 questions correct, meaning that during the past week of maths, I have mostly understood these maths equations on adding and subtracting decimals.

I enjoyed doing this activity because it allowed me to test out my decimal skills in maths.

Statistical Investigation – Reading for Pleasure

LI: to analyse and communicate findings in context.

Today my partner and I did a statistical investigation about reading for pleasure. After we analysed the responses we created three graphs that which separated the 2 year levels and the gender. This would be easier to look and see the data. Then we created an explanation by identifying the problem of why there were many no’s in the survey answers. We then suggested a possible solution to the problems, which could give the students the ability to read a more bigger selection of books instead of only choosing it from the school library. 

We enjoyed doing this activity because we were able to learn from the data/information which would lead us to the conclusion of what must need to happen in the future. 

Statistical Inquiry

LI: To carry out a statistical inquiry.

We were doing a statistical inquiry, by posing a question which was an open question which helps us find the reason for an opinion. 

After that we made a survey using google forms to find out the opinions of LS2 students. Then we organised the responses on google sheets by clicking data then sort range.

 We graphed the data and this was going to help us read the information much better like a math picture.

After that we analysed the responses and found the reasons for the opinions. Lastly we drew conclusions which we used to find out what the information was telling us and why people thought that way?

During this activity I found it confusing while trying to organize the responses in google sheets.

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